星期五, 9月 11, 2009


public static boolean isIntentAvailable(Context context, String action) {
final PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
final Intent intent = new Intent(action);
List<ResolveInfo> list =
return list.size() > 0;



Reference: [1] [2]

星期日, 8月 23, 2009

ADC2的作品上傳時間接近尾聲,但是Submission Site竟然還沒出現?!



  • May 27 - Google I/O: ADC 2 announced
  • July 13: Full Terms and Conditions made available
  • Beginning in August: submission site opens, developers submit apps
  • August 31: submission site closes; ADC2 client/scoring app goes up on Market; users begin reviewing apps
  • October (estimated): first-round judging ends
  • November (estimated): final judging ends, winners announced
照理講submission site應該在8月初就要開啟,但是好像都沒有任何官方的消息與通知。

大家不禁要問問Has ADC submission site opened?



星期一, 7月 27, 2009



1. 安裝Cygwin [1],要安裝的packages如下:
  • Net -> curl
  • Devel -> git* (git, git-completion, git-gui, gitk)
  • Libs -> libreadline6, libiconv2
  • Editors -> vim
  • Python -> python
2. 啟動Cygwin之後,開始安裝Repo[2]
  • 先在使用者的家目錄新增bin目錄
    $ cd ~
    $ mkdir bin
  • 下載Repo到bin目錄裡
    $ curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo
    $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
  • 設定Repo,並新增mydroid目錄準備放檔案
    $ cd ~
    $ mkdir mydroid
    $ cd mydroid
    $ ~/bin/repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git
    (需要輸入一個已申請Google account的email)

  • 開始抓取所有的Android原始檔
    $ repo sync


星期六, 7月 18, 2009

webOS SDK開放下載

還在癡癡等著何時能夠通過webOS SDK的申請時,沒想到昨天已經開放給所有人申請後直接下載囉...而回復之前SDK申請的信函則是稍嫌沒誠意的到今天才收到。

  1. 首先當然要先準備好webOS SDK [1][2]
  2. 接著先確定VirtualBox沒在跑,然後開始執行SDK安裝程式
  3. 執行模擬器:開始 -> 程式集 -> Palm ->SDK -> Palm Emulator 或者 透過Palm webOS SDK的目錄裡面的捷徑
  4. VirtualBox跑起來之後會跳出兩個對話框提醒滑鼠跟鍵盤整合情況,我是直接按掉進入模擬器畫面 XD
  5. 接著開始把玩模擬器 (溫馨小提示:Home跟End鍵可以解決很多操控上的問題,Esc和Tab鍵也不錯)


星期二, 7月 07, 2009

裝好Android SDK1.5新增第一個專案就出現錯誤

撐了很久, 一直懶得升級到Android SDK1.5, 沒想到一升級之後新增第一個專案就出現錯誤...

[2009-07-05 15:13:31 - APITest] no classfiles specified
[2009-07-05 15:13:31 - APITest] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1

解決方法是點擊專案名稱, 按F5即可

星期一, 6月 29, 2009

初探Palm webOS

今天在癮科技上逛了一下, 看到webOS的SDK釋出了, 目前還是申請制, 在申請的同時也順便再多了解一下webOS.

Palm webOS Book from O'Reilly Media [1]

webOS integrates the power of a window-based operating system with the simplicity of a browser. Applications are built using standard web technologies and languages, but have access to device-based services and data.

You can think of webOS applications as native applications, but built from the same standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript that you'd use to develop web applications. Palm has extended the standard web development environment through a JavaScript framework that gives standardized UI widgets, and access to selected device hardware and services.

You will build WebOS applications with common web development tools following typical design and implementation practices for Ajax applications. But your webOS applications are installed and run directly on the device, just as you are used to doing with native applications.

還蠻有趣的開發方式, 開發者要使用web開發工具(HTML/CSS/JavaScript)來開發要安裝才能使用的application, 且可以存取裝置上的服務與資訊.

怎麼辦到的呢? Palm說: 謎底就是Mojo Application Framework. 這個有空再介紹~ 總之不是魔獸世界裡面打食人妖會掉的魔精就是 XD

星期六, 6月 27, 2009

Android Developers Blog: Introducing Android 1.5 NDK, Release 1

最近都在忙RoR Web的事情, 比較少注意Android, 沒想到NDK已經出來囉, 看來是配合Google Android Developer Challenge 2而釋放出來的. 有機會再找時間研究一下囉

Android Developers Blog: Introducing Android 1.5 NDK, Release 1